Passionate about Red Brahmans
Samari Red Brahmans joined Australian Brahman Breeders Association in 1986.

What We Do
Our family has been interested and bred Red Brahmans for generations. We have been members of the Australian Brahman Breeders Association for over 30 years. For several years now, we have exclusively used polled sires, thanks to the increased demand for high-quality polled cattle. We have numerous genome Predominately Polled tested females also in the herd.
Samari sells at the Roma Brahman and Queenslander sale which is held in late August at the Roma Sale-yards. Samari also sell bulls at the Rockhampton Brahman Sale Week in early October and sells bulls at the Fitzroy Crossing Bull sale, Western Australia, in mid-August and have been selling paddock bulls to Western Australia for several years. Samari has an increased number of paddock bulls for sale and they are raised only on what the season offers.
-Polled Genetics
Since 2015 polled sires have been used predominately to meet the demand for polled genetics. This crucial trait is a high priority now to the Cattle Industry throughout Australia due to the added stress of dehorning on the animal and the labour and costs involved.
-Homozygous Cattle
We have Poll tested many of our polled females and have an increasing number of Homozygous polled cattle in our overall herd. This valuable trait is rapidly increasing. Further testing will be done annually. All bulls going to sales are tested.
Annually, an AI program is conducted, featuring a growing number of females. We find it such an efficient way to make herd improvements and try new genetics. We strive to broaden our genetics as to supply our customers with more choices and to breed brahmans, functional, fertile and predictable cattle.
To provide our clients with as much information as possible Samari joined Breedplan in 2018. Collecting the data manually will strengthen our herds performance and help our own herd selection process. We aim to have a highly fertile animal with better than average growth weights and Low birthweight. We feel this will have positive future benefits for the stud. We have already had extra interest in our sale bulls with more accurate information provided by recording EBV's.
In Australia's harsh climate, Samari aims to breed high quality red Brahman cattle, with stud appeal. Nevertheless, the herd is reared on what the season offers with bulls being fed prior to sale. High fertility, constitution, exceptional udders and underlines and overall high yielding beef attributes are essential.
What are EBV's and Breedplan
"An EBV is a value which expresses the difference (+ or -) between an individual animal and the herd or breed benchmark to which the animal is being compared. EBVs are reported in terms of actual product e.g. days, kg of weight or mm of fat depth, etc." ...
Annual sales
Our Red Brahmans are bred to handle the climate experienced by some of Australia's key grazing areas and to have the stud appeal required to achieve great results from breeding. While Queensland and the rest of Australia are our key market, we are open to international buyers.

Rockhampton Brahman Week
Rockhampton Brahman Week is a highly anticipated event in the cattle industry. This annual gathering brings together breeders, buyers, and enthusiasts from all over. This prestigious event showcases the finest Brahman cattle.